Sunday, April 12, 2009

Struttin' on Sunday ...

The little girls in my Sunday School class paraded in looking like tiny princesses. Two-year old Mary, her face lit with a smile, twirled in a circle to make the folds of her pink dress fan out. Pink ballerina slippers matched her pink dress, pink sweater, pink tights and pink hair bow.

Moments later, Jessi arrived in her ankle length white dress and pink shoes. This little gal isn't much for dressing up, but she sidled up to me and grinned, pointing to the tiny flowers decking her dress. It was a girly-girl moment, and I think the Lord was smiling at the time.

We acted out a scene from the resurrection Sunday story. Mary and her Mommy stood by the "tomb" (an empty spot under a table) and played the part of angels standing guard at the tomb. Others played the part of the women who came to anoint the body of Jesus (though I didn't explain that in detail). As we walked toward the tomb, we chanted, "We're taking perfume to the tomb..."

When we got to the table, we squatted down, looked under it and asked, in surprise, "Where is Jesus?" That's when the angels (disguised in Easter dresses) said, "He's not here... he's alive!" It all went quite well, considering the fact the long dresses kept getting tangled up between little legs. And we heard, more than once, "Wait for me! My shoe came off!"

Unlike folks who come struttin' in to church only on Easter or Christmas, these preschool children are familiar with their classroom, comfortable with church folks who love them and think the world of their preacher, whom they call, "Brudder Phip." What a blessing to see their families teach them that church is more than a once-or-twice-a-year event. Jessi and Mary, Malia and Amy love to sing, quote memory verses, and act out Bible stories.

I suppose struttin' on Sunday is okay if you're two years old with a brand new dress to wear ... and your heart is already at home in church. Just be sure your pink shoes don't come off while you're twirlin' and struttin' ...


  1. What an absolutely precious anecdote...years ago...about 12-13 yrs, I guess...I taught 2-3 year old Sunday School...mostly out of necessity as there was no one willing to teach the class...never really was much of a "kissing baby" type...but those kids won my heart!!! What delight they found in the dog puppet, Scruffy, that "appeared" each week to teach them their Bible verses...teaching those children helps you better understand what it is to have faith like a little child! Blessings to you, my friend!!! Oh, and btw, I love your stretch template...Been trying to figure out how to do one myself...but can't figure out how to get my photograph to stretch the entire distance of the page, and yet accomodate itself when someone has a lower resolution...sigh. And so needless to say, I am envying your beautiful blog this morning ...LOL. ;-) Have a wonderful week! ~Janine XO

  2. Thanks so much, Janine! I do love children and have been teaching S.S. classes (various ages) for the past 35-40 years.

    I'm working to improve my blog, so your comments are a tremendous encouragement and blessing. ;-)


  3. Nan! How wonderful to see you show up at "my place" and sign up to follow. I always like to tell followers that I know time is finite so it is a gift you give when you follow and say you want to spend part of it with me. So THANK YOU!

    And I see you keep fine company. Hi Janine! :)

    Loved your story of your little ones at Sunday School. I have taught kids of every age and enjoy them all in different ways. My high school Sunday school class is sure a favorite right now though. I learn so MUCH from those kids!

  4. Thanks so much, Robynn! I am honored that you gals are "following" me. Your encouraging words are much appreciated.


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